MBRP Teacher Training 2024

Week 6: May 9, 2024

Seeing Thoughts as Thoughts

Integration/home practice options: (with an intention to do daily) (Downloadable recordings)

  • Choose practices from those we’ve learned

  • Sitting Meditation (longer and shorter options)

  • Walking Meditation

  • Mindful Movement

  • Body Scan

  • SOBER space

  • Mindfulness of Daily Activities

Today we practiced several versions of Meditation on Thoughts. We also discussed the relationship of thoughts and relapse, and completed a Relapse Cycle.

Session Themes: We have had a lot of practice over the past several weeks noticing our minds wandering and labeling what is going on in the mind as “thinking.” We have practiced gently returning the focus of attention to the breath or body. Now we want to turn our focus directly to thoughts and begin to relate to thoughts as just words or images in the mind that we may or may not choose to believe or engage in. We will discuss the role of thoughts, and believing our thoughts, in the relapse cycle.

Mindfulness of daily activities: consider small, everyday things you do during your day (washing dishes, brushing teeth) and try one or two out like we did with the raisin exercise, where we slow down and bring our full mindful awareness to the process.