MBRP Teacher Training 2024
Week 5: May 2, 2024
Acceptance and Skillful Action
Integration/home practice options: (with an intention to do daily) (Downloadable recordings)
Sitting Meditation (longer and shorter options)
Walking Meditation
Mindful Movement
Body Scan
SOBER space
Mindfulness of Daily Activities
Today we practiced a longer Sitting Meditation (Sounds, Breath, Sensations, Thoughts, Emotions), the SOBER space in a more challenging situation, and Mindful Movement. We also talked about the relationship of acceptance and change. Can we practice acceptance of our internal experiences? This process can be slow and gradual, that is perfectly normal! We practice turning towards our internal difficulties (thoughts, emotions, physical sensations), rather than avoiding or ignoring them. When we are less reactive, then we can make choices that feel good to us long-term, that are in line with our values.
Some people find the serenity prayer helpful in this situation: May I have the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Session Themes: It is important and sometimes challenging to accept what is arising in a particular situation. However, this is the first step toward taking healthy or positive action in our lives. For example, we might not have control over things that happen to us, emotions that arise, our current job or family situation, or people’s behaviors and reactions around us. When we fight against these things, however, we tend to feel frustrated, angry, or defeated, which can be triggers for substance use or other reactive behaviors. When we accept the present as it is, we are not being passive; we are allowing what already is without struggle or resistance. This is often a necessary and active first step toward change. The same is true of self-acceptance; it often requires a complete acceptance of ourselves as we are before real change can occur.
Mindfulness of daily activities: consider small, everyday things you do during your day (washing dishes, brushing teeth) and try one or two out like we did with the raisin exercise, where we slow down and bring our full mindful awareness to the process.